“Our Christian brothers” must be thanked for they are an element of peace and coexistence for Iraq, because “despite having suffered a lot,” they have never responded to attacks with violence, but have continued to promote unity in a country that “has to be of and for everyone,” Shia religious leader Ali Al-Yacoubi told AsiaNews.
Speaking at the prayer for peace in Iraq, Syria and the entire Middle East region held yesterday afternoon in Baghdad, at a time characterised by the barbarity of Jihadi groups, political crises and attacks against ethnic and religious groups, including Christians, the representative of the Shia Awkaf (Endowment) said that “Iraq is for Christians, for Yazidis, for Muslims and for every citizen in search of peace.”
“I want to thank [the Chaldean Church and the] Patriarch for the invitation and I extend greetings to all those present at this celebration,” the Shia religious leader said. “I take this opportunity to reiterate our brotherhood to all the people of Iraq, as well as our concerns for security against any deed or act of terrorism. Let us pray to God to protect Iraq, bring peace and unite our hearts in love for this beloved homeland”.
Heeding Chaldean Patriarch Mar Louis Raphael Sako’s appeal, various Iraqi religious leaders, diplomats and ordinary citizens took part in yesterday afternoon’s prayer in Baghdad’s Queen of the Rosary Church.
The occasion gave them an opportunity to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy, the end of the month of May dedicated to Our Lady and the upcoming start of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting and prayer. –
Article Courtesy – Aleteia.org