It was shameful to mistreat a passenger and forcibly evict him out of the plane. Not only was he manhandled, but the ugly crew did not even hear him – he was a Medical Doctor who had to attend the patients in Louisville.
This shameful incident happens frequently in different settings. The United Airlines handled it badly, they forgot the cardinal principle in business that the customer is right, and for this blunder, they are going to pay a price for it. The stock holders will have to demand the CEO to resign or untangle the image of the Airlines.
Thanks to a few passengers who protested the mistreatment, but why didn’t the other passengers speak up? You don’t have to be belligerent, just speak and ask politely to be listened. The problem is with us as a society, it needs to change. We need to be up standers and not bystanders.
Many of you would have spoken up, and I would have too. Last Christmas eve, I spoke out to the police officer near Reagan Airport in Washington for holding and ticketing drivers causing traffic jams at 5 PM. I saw people getting off the Taxis nearly half a mile ahead and running to the Airport with their suit cases to catch the flight. I spoke to the police officer, he did not like it, but he released the traffic instead of relishing giving tickets. I commend him, he was good man lost in the ticket giving frenzy, but did wake up to reason.
All it takes is someone to speak up, and others will come around it.
This reminds me of a few situations where a helpless woman is being raped and the useless humans are watching it instead of rescuing the woman.
Reminds me of a child, who is being abused verbally in the public and no one says a word to the abuser.
Reminds me of a guy who stood up against a bully in the subway who was taunting a couple for saying happy Rosh Hashanah.
Reminds me of the Holocaust, an indelible image pasted on my heart, mind and soul where the Jewish people were told to stand in front of a pit to be shot into it. They endured humility and the pain with dignity, they silently quizzed to the people around the world – you are not going to do anything about it? The humanity betrayed them; let’s take a pledge again and again to never ever let this happen to an individual or a group of people.
If we want a better world where fellow humans are treated with dignity, we have to speak up. If you don’t stand up for others, why should anyone stand up for you?
We have to seek new regulations – this is not acceptable. What if the guy was a Hispanic, Black or a Muslim Imam wearing beard and his customary religious clothes? Would a few have rejoiced it? Felt that the man was entitled to abuse? Should you be treated like that? Unless we speak, nothing will change.
We have to take the lead in situations like this and invoke the best in people around us.