Senator Kamala Harris – a Letter

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June 28, 2019
Dear Senator Kamala Harris,
Thanks for clarifying your statement about Governmentalization of Health Insurance for me, with that you connected with me and became my one of my few favorites.
Your talk on Morning-Joe fully resonated with me, indeed, as a rare Indian American, I live in all Black neighborhood and cherishing the experience and calling on the nation to work on integrated communities.  Here is the article I wrote on April 21, 2019, much before your talk.
As an Indian American, I wrote a piece about you in India Abroad on Jan 27, 2019, by the title, “Tulsi or Kamala: The choice before us” at
You are Ms. Pluralist, and I would like to meet with you for 30 minutes to do an interview for Pluralism News and present you with a book to understand American Muslims, it is called American Muslim Agenda.  By the way, I am an independent who supports the candidates who are committed to building a cohesive America.
Mike Ghouse
President, Center for Pluralism
Washington, DC
(214) 325-1916
[email protected]