Sunday, December 20, 2020-12:00-1:30 PM EST
It is an event to raise funds to publish the book of the title. It will have great value for Muslim women to realize their rights mentioned in the Quran and live their lives without apprehensions. It also helps change the perceptions about Islam, a pluralistic religion committed to building cohesive societies. Listen to the 30 takes from the Quran about women’s rights.
Speakers : Daisy Khan and Mike Ghouse
Zoom Meeting ID 858 8932 1426 | Passcode 417368
One thousand four hundred years ago, Prophet Muhammad restored the God-given rights of women to be free, the same rights as men. He made it clear that everyone is individually responsible for their actions on the day of accountability or to their conscience. It was the first time in human history a woman was considered equal to a man. She had the freedom to marry or divorce, own property or business, believe what she wanted to, and live her life. What some men do is their problem, not their religion.
The insecure men of all races and faiths have found a false cover to their insecurities by subjugating, downgrading, oppressing women. Instead of false security they seek, it makes them more frustrated and more chaotic. It has nothing to do with religion but patriarchy and misogyny.
Funds raised for www.wiseMuslimWomen.org supported by the www.CenterforPluralism.com