The Center for Pluralism is committed to Restoring America’s Harmony
Muslim Americans and Mexican Americans are next in line. The Catholics, Baptists, Mormons and several others on the religious front, the African Americans and Jews on another front, and the LGBT Community have all integrated well into the society despite the tensions, racism, Antisemitism and Homophobia, and they are all referred to as Americans!
Even though the Muslim Americans and Mexican Americans are referred to as such, they are not American enough, they are still the other to the others. It is no one’s fault, it is simply human nature and every new group has to go through the process of becoming a part of the group, and when they do, their language changes and you can clearly witness it.
A fully integrated individual will get defensive if some one criticizes America, American culture or anything American. They no longer refer to others as Americans, because they are inherently and psychologically wedded to the idea that they Americans in their heart mind and soul as the others are. It is a part of their psyche to consider themselves Americans. Indeed, that is the ultimate day of integration when Muslims and Mexicans will no longer hear, “go back to where you came from.” This is will not happen magically, we have to earn it.
The Center for pluralism is committed to facilitating opportunities for such integration. One by one, the Mexicans and Muslims will understand the difference between assimilation and integration. In assimilation you lose much of who you are, where as in integration you remain who you are, but a part of the whole.
My assignment in Washington DC with American Muslim Institution ends in January 2017 and I am going full blast with the Center for Pluralism.
All our activities are geared to mitigating conflicts & Nurturing goodwill
- Workshops on understanding Religions | We are doing the 3rd set of 13 religions now
- Celebrating Festivals of Faiths | An Annual event commenced this year
- July 4th Celebrations | All communities will be a part of it for a concert.
- Thanksgiving Celebrations & Awards | 19th year of celebrations
- Reflections on Holocaust & Genocides | 12th year of commemoration
- Unity Day USA | 13th year of Americans coming together
- What do Americans Want? | A conference is planned with extreme left and right Americans to find out and work on solutions.
- Do American Muslims want Sharia? | 3rd event planned in 2017
- Does Quran promote violence? | 2nd event
- When will Muslims become a part of the American Story?
- Racism, Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Homophobia | Planned
- Hinduphobia, Xenophobia, Misogyny | Planned
- Bringing Americans Together, we are one people and one nation
cfp is committed to building a cohesive America where no American has to live in apprehension or fear of the other.
By working at it, we will learn to respect the otherness of others and accept the God given uniqueness of each one of us. Each one of us will his life and let others live theirs.
Whether you are white, black, yellow or brown; a Protestant, Baptist, Lutheran, Evangelical, Mormon, Catholic, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Atheist, immigrant or from the LGBT community or any grouping, and whether you are Rich, poor or live within your means. You cannot feel safe unless people around you are safe, and you cannot run from place to place chasing security either, how far will you run?
What needs to be done is build cohesive societies where no one has to live in fear of discrimination, injustice or downright rejection.
If you have been thinking of doing something about it, seeing to it that your kids, grand kids, or even yourselves ( when you choose to retire), would like to live a tension free life. Then you do it yourselves, we will put those programs up for public to use anywhere, our goal is not who does, but does it gets done?
We are creating models for people to do it on their own.
if you don’t have the time, but have the money, and want to see the work is done, please consider donating generously to America Together Foundation – a non-profit organization.
Based on the tremendous success we have had over the years, we are establishing our memberships in 2017 and also calling on donations for the first time in 20 years.
$ 100.00 Donation
$ 500.00 Annual Membership
$ 2,500.00 First payment towards Life Membership
$ 5,000.00 Life Member supporter of the organization (payable in 2 payments)
$ 10,000.00 Board Member (attend annual meetings)
$ 15,000.00 Key Sponsor of a major event
You can pay through Pay pal – https://www.paypal.me/AmericansTogether
or please send your check to “Americans Together”
3010 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200, Dallas, TX 75234
All the donors will be listed by their names
Mike Ghouse, President
(214) 325-1916 | Washington, DC
Center for Pluralism aka America Together Foundation
Pluralism studies in religion, politics, society and culture
www.CenterforPluralism.com | [email protected]