Good News from the Center for Pluralism, April 8, 2018

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Pluralism is an attitude of “Respecting the otherness of others” and “accepting the God-given the uniqueness of each one of us.” You are who you are and I am who I am, neither one of us has to compromise the uniqueness of our faith, race, culture, nationality, and language.  Our purpose is to acknowledge the differences and live with least conflicts.
We are a non-profit organization and your donations are appreciated.

The Center for Pluralism appreciates the community for their support in working its goals of integration, where each one of us feels included and safe. We appreciate the community for their support in working its goals of integration, where each one of us feels included and safe.

  • Saturday, June 16, 2018, Washington DC
  • Saturday, June 23, 2018, Dallas, TX

Most of you have enjoyed the Qawwalis, a South Asian tradition of group singing with audience participation.  This unique program will start out with the most popular Qawwalis, followed by QawwalIs to reflect Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Christian, Muslim, and Secular traditions. We are finding the Qawwalis for other traditions as well.
Date and time is set, please RSVP

Speaker:      Dr. S.Y. Quraishi, The 17th Chief Election Commissioner of the Union of India
Where:         (XXX) The Capitol,
When:          Wednesday, May 2, 2018, 11:00 to 11:30 Remarks. 11:30-12:30 Q&A
The foundation of a democracy rests squarely on voting, the basis to ensure free choice, and if this can be handled all other things of democracy fall in place.  Managing the elections is one of the biggest responsibilities in a Democracy.
India has the largest electorate in the world. In the 2014 general elections, a whopping 814 million people were eligible to vote.  A total of 8,251 candidates contested for the 543 Lok Sabha seats. The average election turnout overall in nine phases was around 66.38%, the highest ever in the history of Indian general elections.  The counting exercise was held at 989 counting centers.

April 2, 2018, Washington, DC – A handful of misguided individuals are expressing their hate for Muslims by organizing a day with multiple names like Punish a Muslim, Hate a Muslim, Hurt a Muslim. They said, wherever you see a Muslim, be it a child, senior citizen or a woman, hurt them including ripping the head scarf off a woman. That is their plan for Tuesday, April 3, 2018.
I believe in positive engagements and wore a sign that said, “ I am a Muslim, can I get a hug?” and walked around on Pennsylvania Ave, Constitution Ave, Independence and in front of the Supreme Court – it restored my faith in humanity. Lots of hugs, and lots of kisses on the sign – lipstick marks on the sign –  thank God, I don’t have a wife.  It was a great experience, I went nuts with it and will do it again if need be.
Full Press Release:
Full Video Message:

Securing Safe Zones for Refugees, a new Paradigm
Washington, DC, April 3, 2018 – Mike Ghouse with the Center for Pluralism presented a summary on “Securing Safe Zones for Refugees, a new paradigm.” Ambassador for religious freedom, Sam Brownback presided the meeting at Dirksen Senate Office building on Capitol Hill and about 100 individuals representing various organizations supporting religious freedom attended.
We need a drastic change in our policies; if we keep absorbing refugees elsewhere in different lands as they are forced out of their homes, we are essentially legitimizing the oppressors to throw anyone out without consequences.
What we need to do is create safe zones for the affected people and then work with the affected parties to restore sanity and harmony and build cohesive societies. It is not only cost-effective and preserves the social equilibrium of each nation but upholds the most cherished values of humanity, their dignity.
God willing, we will be working with Republican and Democratic congressmen to introduce the bill. It will be a bi-partisan bill. We hope to take this forward to bring about a positive change in the world. Someday in the future, no human will be evicted from his land.
If your group wants to hear the full story, I will be happy to discuss it.

This week: Cherry Blossom Festival
On Thursday, I was driving in a joyous mood towards home, the Doctor said, everything is stable! As I was passing passed thru Tidal basin in Washington thousands of people were walking around with happiness written all over their faces enjoying the bloom of cherry Blossom... damn, it was so uplifting!  You feel like singing and jumping unnecessarily… if you have not seen cherry blossoms in DC, you were not born at all.  
Here are two videos, they are ok. Next time, I’ll take them myself capturing the mood, smell, fragrance, the essence and the joy of being there. It’s a euphoric experience one should not miss


04/08/18 – Passover Seder
This major Jewish festival lasts eight days and commemorates the liberation of the Children of Israel and their Exodus from slavery in Egypt. The highlight is the Seder meal, held in each family’s home at the beginning of the festival, when the story of their deliverance is recounted, as narrated in the Haggadah (the Telling, or the Story). Matzah, (unleavened bread) is eaten throughout the festival, as are other foods that contain no leaven (yeast). There is a significant spring cleaning in the home shortly before the festival to ensure that no trace of leaven is left in the house during Pesach. Coconut pyramids and matza balls (which are put in soups) are foods that might be eaten at this time.
04/12/18 – Yom-HaShoah

A day of remembrance when Jewish people remember the six million Jews, including one and a half million children, who were victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Memorial candles are lit and special services are held. The date is chosen as the closest date (in the Jewish calendar) to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
04/12/18 – Baisakhi 
In 1699, on Vaisakhi, Guru Gobind Singh, founded the Order of the Khalsa. Five men, who later came to be known as the Panj Piare (Five Beloved Ones), offered their lives when the Guru asked for volunteers. The ‘Five Ks’, the outward signs of Sikhism, were made obligatory and Sikh men took the name ‘Singh’ (lion) and women ‘Kaur’ (princess). The Order of the Khalsa was founded and the initiation ceremony, amrit, was introduced.
04/13/18 – The Night of Meraj
This festival celebrates the journey of the Prophet Muhammad, in the tenth year of his Prophethood, from Makkah to Jerusalem, and through the heavens to the presence of God, all in one night.  Thank God, Muslims have accepted two versions of the story – one is literal and another one is the essence of the journey.
Festivals of the world
When we live as neighbors, we might as well learn about each other. The best way to build cohesive societies is for its members to understand each other’s sorrows and joys, and festivities and commemorations. Wouldn’t it be nice if you know a little bit about your neighbor’s festival and perhaps invite them to your celebrations to start safe neighborhoods by understanding each other? Every human and every religious group celebrates something or the other in their way, each one is different, but the essence is same; celebrations and commemorations. A simple language is used for most people to get a gist of it. Details are in the links.
A list of April Festivals, each week you will find a summary of the festivals of the week –

It is all in a Summary form at
Pluralism is an attitude of “Respecting the otherness of others” and “accepting the God-given the uniqueness of each one of us.” You are who you are and I am who I am, neither one of us has to compromise the uniqueness of our faith, race, culture, nationality, and language.  Our purpose is to acknowledge the differences and live with least conflicts.  Pluralism News is the weekly publication of the Center for Pluralism.  You can access this anytime through  We will be happy to speak to your congregation, students, friends. We can conduct a workshop in building a cohesive community, workplace or a society.  Pluralism does not mean compromise or appeasement; it is simply a development of an attitude for living with others with least conflicts.  Please email to [email protected]
We are a non-profit organization and your donations are appreciated.

Hate a Muslim/ Hurt a Muslim Day
April 2, 2018, Washington, DC – A handful of misguided individuals are expressing their hate for Muslims by organizing a day with multiple names like Punish a Muslim, Hate a Muslim, Hurt a Muslim. They said, wherever you see a Muslim, be it a child, senior citizen or a woman, hurt them including ripping the head scarf off a woman. That is their plan for Tuesday, April 3, 2018.
Our Video Response:
Press Release:
Atheism – Number of Americans with no religious affiliations is rising
Exclusion is one of the items that break the societies. Once, I was denied membership in a multi-faith organization; they did not have a pigeon hole for me, an Atheist, in 1996. That’s when we formed the Pluralism organization to include every human except Cannibals; we would add them if they don’t us before we bring them aboard.
Adivasi Religion, Government Body Cans Philosophy Meet
The right-leaning groups among Hindus have tried to impose their stamp of Hinduism on to those who do not consider themselves Hindus. One reason could be the RSS view that Adivasis are essentially forest-dwelling Hindus, or ‘Vanvasis’ and that their belief systems should not be treated as something independent of Hinduism. Indeed, to the extent to which Adivasi religious practices – especially in central India – do not conform to the Sangh’s idea of Hinduism, the organization has been using its network of schools and other organisations to ‘Hinduise’ them.
Queen Elizabeth is related to Prophet Muhammad, so what?

So what if Queen Elizabeth is related to Prophet Muhammad, how does it matter?  Neither one gets elevated. In Islamic tradition, all are born equal, no one is superior to the other.  Even the notion of Royal blood is anathema to Islam, there is no such thing as Royal Blood or any blood to claim superiority of one over the other.
Cultural Pluralism and Persistence in the Colonial Sierra Sur of Oaxaca, Mexico: Three Case. Studies. Stacie King … Sierra Sur, people in Nejapa and Tavela were already accustomed to making strategic choices about how to engage. … States, the islands of the Caribbean, and the continent of South America
Interfaith Marriages
Marriage is indeed an expression of a commitment to s relationship between two individuals.  The men and women who take the bold step to become one regardless of their origins, faiths, races, and ethnicities must be applauded. They are setting an example of how to live in harmony despite their differences.  Interfaith marriages are becoming the new norm of the society. In a few years, one out of two marriages would be of interfaith. Yes, this is across the board, whether you are a Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Baha’i, Atheist or the other. According to the Pew survey, 40% of people of faiths will be marrying a person of another faith; it is higher among Jews, it is 50%. Details at –

We are a non-profit organization and your donations are appreciated. All that work takes time and we have to pay for the same. Please donate 
Mike Ghouse
Center for Pluralism
Washington, DC