Women’s Liberation Journey of 100 years ( 1920-2020 )
Sunday, Dec 27, 2020 – 12:00 to 2:00 PM – EST
Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85075535297?pwd=aTEyZTF0VHVYQWtQTmRNQTZJKzNQQT09
Meeting ID : 850 7553 5297 | Passcode 755847
If it is Sunday, it is Pluralism. The show is about Pluralism in culture, gender, religion, politics, and the workplace. Every Sunday at Noon EST. Today’s program is about Gender Pluralism. All our upcoming programs are listed at https://centerforpluralism.com/workshops/
Speakers: MaryAnn Thompson-Frenk, Shalini Gupta, Dr. Nyla Ali Khan, Dr. Ida Jones, and Dr. Mike Ghouse
Speaker Bios and program details at
The program video will be posted on YouTube, please do subscribe to our channel at https://www.youtube.com/centerforpluralism
About the Center for pluralism
- Our Mission — Our mission is to build cohesive societies.
- Pluralism defined– Respecting the otherness of the other.
- What is a Cohesive Society? A community or a nation where every member of the society feels secure about his/her ethnicity, faith, culture, and political and sexual orientation.
- Our Vision — To see every human feel secure about his/her faith, ethnicity, race, political and sexual orientation, or any other uniqueness.
- Our Goal — Is to open people’s hearts, minds, and souls towards each other, and live in harmony.
- Our Accomplishments —Link What have we accomplished?
- Shaping the future of America — Link
We have the systems and programs in place to accomplish our mission and have a positive impact on society.
Let me start the program now
It is embarrassing to think that One hundred (100) years ago, women were considered men’s property and were required to be obedient and subservient to men. Thank God for the women’s liberation movement. That narrative is changed over the last 100 years; now men and women are equal in people’s minds, hearts, and souls in all aspects of life, but in practice, it is not 100% yet, and we must get there. This is our effort.
We have come a long way, but a lot more to go. However, at this time, humanity has almost reached the pinnacle of civilization; at least most men in America consider all humans (Men and women) as equals in their thoughts, assumptions, talks, and actions.
The process began with the passage of the women’s suffrage act in 1919, when women were allowed to vote for the first time in the United States.
Let us talk about 2020; it was jubilation when Geraldine Ferraro was nominated as the first vice-president of the United States, she was not elected. Then came Hillary Clinton, she was nominated by her party to be the President of the United States and did not make it either. I have heard a few men saying that they would not accept a woman as the United States president. Thanks to the Democratic Party and Joe Biden (I am not a Democrat or a Republican, but an independent vote. I am narrating the history of the women’s movement), Kamala Harris is finally nominated and elected first Vice President of the United States.
It is a hard-fought journey of 100 years.
As Americans, we are the most advanced culture in every aspect of life but for the misogyny.
Throughout the ages, women have gone through tremendous tensions and humiliation by none other than their own loved ones, parents, husbands, siblings, and even children.
Let me share a few quick examples.
The most disgusting act of some men is their attitude towards women, and they feel they are entitled to them, especially towards friendly women. You’ve seen our President, Hollywood Moguls, Corporate execs, Senators, Congressmen… Idiots they are. This attitude of entitlement has to be busted.
In given group discussions, when a woman attempts to talk, the men speak out louder and try to shut the woman out – somehow, men assume that women don’t know about the issues. In one of the meetings here in DC, there was an equal number of men and women; a woman board member raised her hand several times, she was discounted. Finally, I got up to make the point and told the moderators to let the women talk…. Women also have to be assertive, somehow, they take a back seat, and they should not.
My cousin is a politician in Bangalore; he took me to meet a big-time donor and a politician aspiring to run for office. I took my two nieces with me in their 30s, we sat in the living room, the host signaled his wife to take the girls inside – I said no to him and said they are staying here, it is about their future. Then the discussion began, and I asked my nieces to share their opinion, and they gave – it stunned the men there, the girls put out the most intelligent response.
I dedicate my segment to my sister, my late wife Najma, and my grandmother, who were fiercely independent women who took charge and brought prosperity to society. My grandmother lost her much of her whole family in the Spanish flu in 1919. She walked with her daughter and her son for 12 miles, as the bus to the city ran two times a week. She single-handedly raised them by selling flowers in the bus stands, never took any help from her brothers, and her son, my father, ultimately became the mayor of Yelahanka.
I know another woman in my town who cooked and sold breakfast items from her home and raised her son, who achieved 1st rank in Engineering at Bangalore University. There is another single woman in Louisville; as a nurse, she raised three boys, two of them are doctors, and one is Engineer. I applaud them all.
It has nothing to do with religion or nationality; it is pervasive among men. Thank God for America; all of that is going away; we have come a long way and have some more to go where men feel, think, believe, and act as equals.
The stinky male attitude of entitlement, what does she know, and the desire to dictate how a woman should behave have got to go. When society respects equality, together, we can bring good things to life and abundant prosperity.
More at https://centerforpluralism.com/zoom-womens-liberation-journey-of-100-years/
MaryAnn Thompson-Frenk
MaryAnn is a renowned speaker, published author, philanthropist, and award-winning international sculptor. She is a co-founder and president of Dallas-based nonprofit Memnosyne Institute is on a life mission to help communities worldwide to navigate globalization’s pros and cons. She believes we are more interconnected and interdependent than ever before, so we have to be thinking systematically or won’t survive. She is a pluralist and embraces the whole of humanity without question. She has done some fantastic work with the Native American communities from Hopi to the Mayans, she has helped bridge the communities as well.
I must add that, whatever MaryAnn does, she does it whole heartedly, she puts her heart, mind, and soul into it.
More at https://informatedfw.com/profiles/mary-ann-thompson-frenk/
Dr. Nyla Ali Khan
Dr. Nyla Ali Khan is a professor at Rose State College, Midwest City, OK, and teaches at Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC). Dr. Khan was honored by The Journal Record as one of the fifty women making a difference in Oklahoma in 2019 and 2020. Author of several published articles, book reviews, and editorials. As an educator, her goal is to engage in reflective action working with diverse cultural and social groups questioning the exclusivity of cultural nationalism, the erosion of cultural syncretism, the ever-increasing dominance of religious fundamentalism the irrational resistance to cultural and linguistic differences. Her unflinching commitment is to pedagogy, scholarship, and her unrelenting faith in the critical focus that education can build bridges across racial, political, and ideological divides.
Dr. Ida Jones
Dr. Ida E. Jones is a historian, archivist, and author. Her four books explore the lives of African American men and women through utilizing their archival collections. In August 2010, she shared a platform as moderator with Dr. Rosalyn Terborg-Penn at the 90th anniversary of the suffrage movement. In tribute to Dr. Penn, she promotes the unique history of Black women in the suffrage movement. Dr. Jones is a consummate scholar who believes deeply in Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune’s words, who stated, “power must walk hand in hand with humility, and the intellect must have a soul.”
Shalini Gupta
Shalini Gupta has been a senior Organization Development/ Change Management professional in Fortune 500 companies leading Transformational Change initiatives. Ms. Gupta is also an Author, Consultant, and Trainer on Diversity and Inclusion. Shalini is actively involved in public service work utilizing her professional background. She is President of United for Peace – a nonprofit organization with a mission to create healthy communities based on respect and unity across differences. She is an ardent admirer of Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy of nonviolence. Shalini hopes that the collective voice for peace and nonviolence will be louder and more robust than the lobby for guns and war machinery one day.
Dr. Mike Ghouse
Mike is a speaker, thinker, author, community consultant, pluralist, activist, newsmaker, and an interfaith wedding officiant. Mike is deeply committed to Free speech, Human Rights, and Pluralism in Religion, Politics, Societies, and the workplace. He is the founder and president of the Center for Pluralism and a fellow at the World Muslim Congress, a Think Tank. Mike is an author of the book American Muslim Agenda, building a cohesive America. He has dedicated his life to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions to the media and the policymakers on issues of the day. Everything about him is at www.TheGhousediary.com.