Reflections from the Center for Pluralism

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Pluralism News, Thursday, April 19, 2018


  • Articles to read and reflect
  • A few events
  • Festivals of April
  • What is Pluralism?
  • What do we do at the Center for Pluralism
  • Officiating Interfaith Weddings
  • Previous week’s News Letter

Articles to read and reflect

The following articles represent pluralism in religion, politics, society, culture, and business.

  1. Dialogue with your Hindu Neighbor at Chinmaya Mission
  2. Faith can overcome religious nationalism
  3. If Evangelicals can recover from Identity Crisis
  4. Miracles or Metaphors?
  5. Turkey’s weak opposition scrambles to challenge Erdogan
  6. Modi will sink India if he does not reign in on the Rapists.
  7. Muslim Cheer Sam Brownback for Backing Rohingya
  8. Democratic Party’s Pluralism is both a strength and weakness
  9. Interfaith Marriages can require big compromises

Our articles are about Pluralism in politics, religion, society, culture, business and now education. You can also access this site through
Dialogue with your Hindu Neighbor at Chinmaya Mission
Hinduism is one of the most misunderstood religions. People have fabricated myths about them, dished out by their parents, teachers, religious leaders and the media, and it has never occurred to some of us to question what is dumped on us. Full article and pictures at
Faith can overcome religious nationalism
I have found that only a faithful patriotism can defeat religious nationalism. A faithful patriotism is a non-xenophobic pride of country, defined by what it is for, and to include a welcoming place for ethnic and faith minorities. Faithful patriotism, however, requires a covenantal pluralism that is, in turn, equipped with the practical skill sets of cross-cultural religious literacy. Full article at
Political Pluralism – If Evangelicals can recover from Identity Crisis
I just wanted to assure my Evangelical friends that Cherry picking scriptures has been a source of conflict in all faith traditions except may be among Catholics and Bahai’s.
Mark Labberton said, “When evangelicals embrace America-first nationalism, the gospel is co-opted and betrayed.” Keller says if the church is to recover its mission it has to stand for a gospel that transcends politics, meaning evangelicals must apply the teachings of Jesus across the Red and Blue divide.  He added, that evangelicals are cherry-picking Bible verses to support their preferred political leanings, which Notre Dame historian Mark Noll noted is “as American as apple pie.”
Full article
Miracles or Metaphors?
Moses parted the Red Sea, Jesus walked on water, Muhammad flew on the unicorn, Hanuman carried the mountain, Buddha’s fantastic birth story, and a stream started flowing from Nanak’s feet. Note at
Political Pluralism – Turkey’s weak opposition scrambles to challenge Erdogan
The best form of governance that has evolved in the world is Democracy, where we choose to elect people to govern us on the terms that we determine. Around 1950 a whole lot of nations went from under colonial rule to democracies, some went Pluralist democracies and some Secular democracies.  Sadly, there is a virus sweeping the world to put men with fascist tendencies to run the states – US, Austria, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and India.  Democracy survives with the strong opposition without it goes towards the same old days where one powerful man decides the fate of the nation.
Political Pluralism – Modi will sink India if he does not reign in on the Rapists.
The brutal rape of an 8-year old girl and then murdered, and the 4 –year-old is beyond anyone’s understanding.  This tragedy has united most of the Indians except a few party members of Mr. Modi and Mr. Yogi who are defending the rapists. What is disgusting is even women members of the party like Kirron Kher are discounting it by saying that the rape culture is not new in India.  With friends like her, BJP does not need enemies. Full article at
Muslims Cheer Sam Brownback for Backing Rohingya
Sam Brownback, the recently appointed U.S. ambassador for international religious freedom, said the violence directed against Myanmar’s Muslim Rohingya minority was the worst he had ever seen and he expects a strong U.S. response.
Democratic Party’s Pluralism is both a strength and weakness
Republicans are conformists; they quickly fall in line. Everyone who disagrees with the leadership is quickly made to fall in line, whereas, Democrats never agree on anything, that’s why they’re Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they’d be Republicans.”
Interfaith Marriages can require big compromises
Individuals marry each other, not their faiths. Each faith is beautiful and is about creating harmony and building cohesive societies. Interfaith couples must be applauded for they come together with their given differences.  I am pleased to have officiated several interfaith weddings and have written quite extensively giving full value to the words of Universal God, rather than limiting the meaning of his words.  All at this at website
Full story at

A few Events in Washington

We are working on a comprehensive calendar to include political, social, cultural, religious and other events.  Waiting for a sponsor to complete the website

Saturday, April 21, 2018 – 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Teen Suicide and Substance Abuse Prevention Meeting
Register at:
Wednesday, May 2, 2018. 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM at Capitol Hill
Election Challenges to Indian Democracy – Details in the link

Sunday, May 6, 2018 – 12-4 PM at Civic Center in Silver Spring
American Muslim Senior society’s conference on Healthy Aging
Phone (301) 327-6828 | web| Lorena Silva a [email protected]
Sunday, May 6, 2018 – 3 – 7 PM at Rock Creek Park, Picnic area 24
Jewish Islamic Dialogue Society – RSVP to [email protected]
Wednesday, May 66, 2018 – Mark your calendar
Muslims against Anti-Semitism at Capitol Hill

Festival of Adar Mah Parab – Zoroastrian, Sunday,  April 22
On the ninth day of Adar, the 9th month, Zoroastrians celebrate the birthday of fire. They pay visits to the fire temple to make offerings of sandalwood or incense, and to thank the holy fire for the warmth and light it has given throughout the year. Traditionally on this day food is not cooked in the house as the fire is given a rest and the Atash Niyayeesh or petition to the light is recited in honor of the house fire or the ceremonial oil lamp.
Beltaine Festival – Wicca/Pagan – Monday, April 30,
BELTAINE Druid The wheel of the year continues to turn and fertile spring yields to the height of summer. Many pagans celebrate Beltaine by lighting fires and leaping over them, and/or with maypole dances, symbolizing the mystery of the Sacred Marriage of Goddess and God.
What is Pluralism?
Pluralism is an attitude of “Respecting the otherness of others” and “accepting the God-given the uniqueness of each one of us.” You are who you are, and I am who I am, neither one of us has to compromise the uniqueness of our faith, race, culture, nationality, and language. Our purpose is to acknowledge the differences and live with least conflicts.
What do we do at the Center for Pluralism
It is all in a Summary at home page
Pluralism is an attitude of “Respecting the otherness of others” and “accepting the God-given the uniqueness of each one of us.” You are who you are, and I am who I am, neither one of us has to compromise the uniqueness of our faith, race, culture, nationality, and language. Our purpose is to acknowledge the differences and live with least conflicts. Pluralism News is the weekly publication of the Center for Pluralism. You can access this anytime through We will be happy to speak to your congregation, students, friends. We can conduct a workshop in building a cohesive community, workplace or society. Pluralism does not mean compromise or appeasement; it is simply a development of an attitude for living with others with least conflicts. Please email to [email protected]


Marriage is indeed an expression of a commitment to s relationship between two individuals. The men and women who take the bold step to become one regardless of their origins, faiths, races, and ethnicities must be applauded. They are setting an example of how to live in harmony despite their differences. Interfaith marriages are becoming the new norm of the society. In a few years, one out of two unions would be of interfaith. Yes, this is across the board, whether you are a Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Baha’i, Atheist or the other. According to the Pew survey, 40% of people of faiths will be marrying a person of another religion; it is higher among Jews, it is 50%. Details at –


We are a non-profit organization and your donations are appreciated. All that work takes time and we have to pay for the same. Please donate
Mike Ghouse
Center for Pluralism
Washington, DC
(214) 325-1916- Cell
(202) 290-3560 -Office
[email protected]
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