Please join me in welcoming our new President, Joseph R. Biden, and our Vice-president Kamala D. Harris and their admin team. History is made today!
Kamala Harris is the first woman Vice-President of America, a new record in our civility. It is a 100-year challenging journey for women from being un-equal to be equal to men. We have come a long way, and we have to go more. Thank God!
Biden finally made it to his dream job after 46 years of trying. The lesson is never to give up on your dreams and aspirations.
We are proud of our resilient democracy. Thanks to the founding fathers for instituting checks and balances and giving us the most stable, sustainable governance.
Trump is gone, but he taught us a big lesson, never to elect an individual who is not accountable for his actions and is not a team player.
America will be great again. I hope between Biden and Harris we will have tension-free living. A stable government allows to focus on prosperity, rather than battling with each other in vain.
Adequate security arrangements have been made for the inauguration with over 25,000 National Guards.

Presidents come and go, but we have to live and work together as Americans. Together as Americans, we uphold, protect, defend, and celebrate the values enshrined in our Constitution, a guarantor of our political and social structures that each one of us is proud of.
Let’s assure each other that we are all in this together, and no one’s way of life will be messed. Let’s learn to respect the otherness of the others, we are who we are and have a right to be so.
Lincoln was right, “With malice towards none,” and that is the blueprint to go forward. Let’s reach out to every American who feels left-out. We are Americans first before we are Republicans, Democrats, or Independents. No one is more privileged than the others, we are all equal citizens of the United States of America.
The Center for Pluralism is committed to bringing Americans Together and embark on with renewed vigor in building a cohesive America. An America where every American feels secure about his/her faith, race, ethnicity, and other uniqueness.
We will do our share of the work and invite you to visit www.CenterforPluralism.com and see our plans for shaping America’s future.
God bless America.
Center for Pluralism
Dr. Mike Ghouse, President
Dr. Karen Hollie, Director
Sam Madden, Director
Jack Pagano, Director
Dana House-Elf, Director
** The author of this article is independent and not affiliated with any political party.